Setting up a Development Environment for Blockchain

1. Introduction

Blockchain is gaining popularity and developing today due to its promise of innovation and decentralization. While it appears fascinating from the outside, diving in without a well-configured environment is equally daunting. But don’t worry—we’ve got you covered!! This article delves deep into the blockchain niche, providing detailed guides and insights tailored to the interests and needs of blockchain developers. Get ready to explore the world of blockchain with this exciting journey!!

2. Choosing the Right Tools

While configuring your environment, it’s essential to choose the right tools according to your interests and requirements. The following are the tools and editors that you can explore.

Operating System:

You can develop blockchain applications on any OS, but macOS and Linux are preferred for better compatibility and support.

Linux: Linux is Free and Open-source and provides flexibility and customization. It has extensive community support and rich resources. There are popular distributions of Linux that are widely used. One is Ubuntu, which is ideal for beginners, and the others are Fedora and Debian. Most blockchain tool designs are made with Linux at their center.

MacOS: MacOS is similar to Linux; it’s based on Unix and has similarities in the experience of command line tools and development environment. Integration of hardware and software is seamless. Also, it has great native support, such as Homebrew, Xcode, and Docker.

Windows: You can still use Windows with WSL, (Windows Subsystem for Linux) this allows you to run Linux along with Windows. This gives you the best of both worlds familiarity with Windows and the powerful tools of Linux.

Table of differences between OS/Mac/Linux

1.Code Editors/IDEs:

A good code editor or IDE can make you way more productive. Here are some options to think about:

  • VSCode: It’s pretty light, and it’s got awesome add-ons for different coding languages and blockchain frameworks.
  • IntelliJ IDEA: This one’s strong, and it’s super helpful if you’re messing with Java blockchain projects.
  • Sublime Text: It’s quick and you can tweak it a lot. It’s great if you like to keep things simple.

2.Version Control Systems:

Version control is super important for any project where you’re building something. Git, along with websites like GitHub or GitLab, helps you to handle your code well, work with other people, and keep an eye on what’s changing. These tools make it easier to manage your codebase, team up with others, and stay on top of all the updates.

3. Installing Essential Software

Programming Languages

Here are the Installation steps for common languages used in blockchain development






Docker helps in creating consistent development environments.

  • Installation steps for Docker.

4. Blockchain Development Frameworks and Tools

The General Setup involves various tools and libraries that support blockchain irrespective of the specific blockchain. There are tools like Truffle, and Hardhat that provide a comprehensive development environment.

  1. Hyperledger Fabric: A special blockchain system made for big companies to use.
  2. Tendermint: A fast blockchain tool that backs Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) ways to agree on things.

Containerization and Virtualization:

Docker helps keep your work setup the same on different computers. You can make Docker containers with all the dependencies you need, which makes it easy to set up and take down work areas.

5. Setting Up Local Blockchain Networks

Some general tools that come in handy in managing and running the local blockchain are as follows:

Docker Compose: Docker Compose is used for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. It uses a docker-compose.yml file. Here are the installation steps for the same:

Kubernetes: An opensource system for automating the deployment , scaling, and management of containerized applications. Here are the installation steps for Kubernetes:

Yaml file:


The local node setup is useful to test your application in a controlled environment.Here are the steps for setup:

Virtual Machines help you experiment with your applications without affecting the local environment. It also adds an extra layer of abstraction.

6. Smart Contract Development

Common Languages:

  • Smart contracts are generally written in Solidity and rust:
  • Solidity: Here is how you can install solidity:
npm install -g solc
solc –version


rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

Compilers and Linters:

Compilers and linters are the tools used for writing high-quality smart contracts. Compilers help you compile the code so that you can further deploy it on the blockchain.

Here are the steps to compile a contract:

1. Solidity:

solc –bin –abi –optimize -o build/ YourContract.sol
Create a .solhint.json file

“extends”: “solhint:recommended”,

“rules”: {

“indent”: [“error”, 4],

“quotes”: [“error”, “double”]  }}

2. Rust:

Install Clippy:rustup component add clippy

Create a Clipy.toml file[clippy]warnings_as_errors = true

Writing Smart Contracts

While writing a smart contract you should keep in mind the guidelines and best practices to follow:

  • Make sure your code is modular and reusable
  • Perform Security audits
  • Ensure Gas efficiency to reduce transaction cost
  • Conduct thorough testing
  • Document your code properly
  • Use SafeMath libraries
  • Always Check the return values and errors
  • Avoid hardcoding values in your contract
  • Follow a consistent coding style
  • Implement access control mechanisms
  • Update the dependencies regularly
  • Use events for logging
  • Use standard libraries.
  • Use Multisignature wallets
  • Have a long-term maintenance plan of your contract.

7. Testing and Debugging

Testing Frameworks:

  • Testing is the final and strongest pillar of any development. Mocha and Chai are essential for testing the contracts in JavaScript. Mocha is a test framework and Chai is an assertion library both in unison to help in running tests and writing test assertions. Waffle is a testing framework that seamlessly integrates with Hardhat. It provides advanced testing abilities and has comprehensive assertions.

Debugging Tools:

  • Debugging is finding the bugs and fixing them in your code. Some tools help with this. Tools like Remix, GDB are used for debugging.

Continuous Testing:

Testing all the time is super important when making software these days. It ensures your code gets checked and validated by machines repeatedly. When you use tools that help with Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD), you can set up a system that runs tests by itself whenever someone changes the code. This helps find problems and keeps the code good.

8. Deployment Tools

General Deployment Strategies:

  • Here  are some general deployment strategies:
  1. Local Deployment: The Deployment is carried out locally and in a controlled manner using tools like Ganache, and Docker.
  2. Testnet deployment: This is done to test the application in a real-world environment without real assets.
  3. Mainnet Deployment: This is a crucial step where you deploy to the main network where real assets and transactions take place. This deployment requires thorough testing before deploying.
  4. Automated Deployment: Use CI/CD pipelines for deployment for automation and repetition.

Scripting and Automation:

Here is how you can write scripts for automation:

Hardhat scripts:

Using Cloud Services:

Deploying blockchain nodes and smart contracts using cloud services provides ease, reliability, and scalability. We can use the following cloud services:

AWS: (Amazon Web Services):

  • AWS is an Amazon-managed cloud service, useful for the setup of EC2 instances for running nodes. We can Deploy smart contracts using AWS lambda for serverless execution.


Azure Blockchain Service helps you manage blockchain networks. You can use Azure Functions or Azure DevOps to put your blockchain into action and keep it updated.


Google Cloud’s Kubernetes Engine (GKE) or Compute Engine lets you set up blockchain nodes. Google Cloud Functions and Cloud Build make it easy to set up your blockchain.

9. Connecting to External Networks

1. Configuration: Steps for configuring connections:

  • Network Configuration: Set up the network configurations as per your requirements. Here Ethereum example  is given:
Json file:
“networks”: {    “mainnet”: {

“url”: “”,

“accounts”: [“0xYOUR_PRIVATE_KEY”]

}  }}

  • Environment variables: Use .env files and libraries like dotenv to manage the environment variables and store the security information and private keys securely.

2. API and Libraries:

  • Using APIs and libraries to interact with external networks simplifies the interaction.Here are some popularly used APIs:

const { ethers } = require(“ethers”);const provider = new ethers.providers.InfuraProvider(“homestead”,


{ ApiPromise, WsProvider } = require(‘@polkadot/api’);

const provider = new WsProvider(‘wss://’);

const api = await ApiPromise.create({ provider });

Web3.js for ethereum:

const Web3 = require(‘web3’);

const web3 = new Web3(‘’);

Wallet Integration:

  • Wallet integration allows users to interact with the blockchain through transactions and interactions. Here are steps for wallet integration:


const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum);


const WalletConnectProvider = require(“@walletconnect/web3-provider”);

const provider = new WalletConnectProvider({ infuraId: “YOUR-INFURA-ID” });

10. Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)

General CI/CD Tools:

  • Github actions: GitHub Actions lets you set up CI/CD for blockchain.

Travis CLI:

Circle CLI: CircleCI is another way to do CI/CD that works well with blockchain projects.CircleCI gives you fancy options to make deploying happen on its own.

Automated Testing and Deployment:

  • Writing workflows for automated testing and deployment ensures consistent code and helps with quick iterations.
npx hardhat test

npx hardhat deploy

11. Security Tools

Security lies at the heart of the blockchain world hence ensuring the best security tools is essential.
General Security Practices:

  • Conduct regular code reviews
  • Have precise access controls for public and private functions
  • Have regular audits

Static Analysis Tools:

  • Static analysis tools are useful in identifying the vulnerabilities of our code and rectifying them. Some tools used for the same are Mythril and Slither.

Regular Audits:

Conduct regular external and internal audits and fix issues arising before the contracts are exploited.

12. Best Practices

Folder Structure:

  • Maintain a proper and clean folder structure for organized access and a clutter-free environment in the project.

Environment Variables

  • Use env files and dotenv libraries
  • Use secret management tools like AWS secret manager or Azure Key Vault.


Documentation of the code is equally important as writing the code.

  • Maintain a proper README file so others can understand your project
  • Add comments in the code wherever necessary
  • Use project wiki or documentation APIs.

13. Conclusion

We can conclude by saying that setting up the right environment is more important than just building blockchain applications. The environment setup has a checklist for selecting the right tools for configuring local networks and deploying smart contracts. By following the steps and strategies mentioned in this article you can create efficient, robust, and secure applications. Learning all the time and tweaking things to fit your needs will help you make your setup better and grow with it keeping up with new advancements in blockchain tech. Happy Coding!!