Reducing Developer Friction Vital for Blockchain Scaling

In an exclusive interview on March 7, Anurag Arjun, the creator of Avail and co-founder of Polygon, stated that creating blockchain infrastructure that draws developers is essential for mass-scaling blockchain apps.

Arjun said in an interview, “Lowering developer friction is very important. If you look at the first mobile apps that were built when the initial infrastructure came out, those were very simplistic sorts of apps. It took a lot of years of experimentation to build something like Uber or Instagram.”

Arjun said it will be important to construct developer-focused scaling solutions like layer-2 rollups to improve blockchain-based decentralized applications (DApps).

He stated, “The real utility of [scaling solutions] is if developers can quickly work with this infrastructure to actually create useful scale apps that go mainstream, for example, right again right now.”

In 2023, the average monthly active developers fell to 22,411 from 2022, a 24% decline, as per a report released by Electric Capital on January 17. The company blames the decline on a record number of new hires among its developers in 2022.

The report mentions, “While developers overall are down 24%, the most valuable segment of developers (2+ year tenure who contribute the most code) continues to steadily grow.”

Regarding the scalability of blockchain in the future, Arjun stated that he anticipates hundreds of application-specific rollups unified under a user-friendly app layer, much to the Web2 shopping experiences that streamline online transactions that exist today.

Arjun stated, “When you click on the buy button on [Amazon], it opens up a payment page, but the user doesn’t know all the complexity behind the process.” He also mentioned that to draw in more mainstream users, Web3 infrastructure will need to similarly streamline the user experience.

Also Read: Polygon welcomes Astar Network as the First user of ‘AggLayer’