NFT Platform Launches Nintendo Emulator on Bitcoin

In a groundbreaking move, Pizza Ninjas, a prominent non-fungible token (NFT) platform, has unveiled the successful launch of an N64 emulator on Bitcoin (BTC) utilizing BTC ordinals. This innovative endeavor involves encoding data on satoshis, the smallest unit of BTC.


Embracing Technological Advancements


The introduction of this N64 emulator marks a significant stride in leveraging blockchain technology for gaming enthusiasts. Emulators, a crucial component, enable gamers to experience video game consoles on alternative devices without the need to possess or operate the original console.


Pizza Ninjas emphasizes the pivotal role played by Google’s Brotli Compression method in enabling the encoding of progressively larger items. A representative from Pizza Ninjas elucidates, “The Brotli Compression method has facilitated the inscription of more substantial systems like the N64 and its games, making it more realistically feasible than ever before. With file size reductions of around 80%, a classic like Goldeneye 64, originally 12.4 MB uncompressed, can now be compressed to a mere 3.15 MB using Brotli.”


Efficiency in File Compression


Elaborating on the efficiency of Brotli Compression, Pizza Ninjas highlights its capability to significantly reduce file sizes, making them conducive for integration into the Bitcoin blockchain. The spokesperson explains, “This reduction is substantial enough to fit within a single Bitcoin block (4 MB) or be distributed across 8 transactions, each under 400 kb. Considering the current 15 sats/vbyte network fees, the cost of inscribing this would amount to a reasonable $6,000.”


Preserving Gaming Legacies


The Nintendo 64, introduced in 1996, garnered immense popularity, selling over 30 million units throughout its lifespan, as reported by the data-tracking platform Statista. Pizza Ninjas’ initiative to immortalize classic games on the Bitcoin blockchain aligns with a broader trend in the industry to ensure the preservation of gaming legacies for future generations.


A Paradigm Shift in Digital Archiving


This pioneering move by Pizza Ninjas follows a precedent set in January when the classic first-person shooter Doom found its place on Dogecoin (DOGE) through the use of “doginals,” the cryptocurrency’s equivalent of BTC ordinals. These initiatives signify a paradigm shift in digital archiving, illustrating the fusion of blockchain technology with gaming culture to create lasting digital artifacts.


In conclusion, Pizza Ninjas’ integration of an N64 emulator on Bitcoin not only showcases the potential of blockchain in gaming but also underscores the community’s commitment to preserving and celebrating classic titles in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.