Branding, traceability and leveraging blockchain technology will promote India’s branded cotton

India is geared to promote its cotton brand ‘Kasturi Cotton Bharat’ on three key pillars, branding, traceability and leveraging blockchain technology. Indian cotton is to be strategically positioned on the world map for its unparalleled quality standards and commitment to sustainable practices.

Kasturi Cotton Bharat is a joint initiative by the Ministry of Textiles, the Cotton Corporation of India, Trade Bodies and the industry to work on the principle of self-regulation by owning complete responsibility of Branding, Traceability and Certification of Indian Cotton to enhance its’ competitiveness in the global market and create a sustainable ecosystem for all stakeholders involved.

Piyush Goyal, Union Minister of Textile, Commerce & Industry today launched the website of Kasturi Cotton Bharat. This website provide a digital platform for necessary information and updates on this initiatives and highlights the registration process for ginners to produce Kasturi Cotton Bharat Brand and its processes that make the branded Indian cotton unique.

The Minister said that in an era of global competition, this initiative will strategically position Indian cotton on the world map for its quality standards and commitment to best practices

All the ginners in the country have been empowered to produce Kasturi Cotton Bharat brand as per stipulated protocol. Besides this, to provide complete traceability of Kasturi Cotton Bharat across the supply chain, QR based certification technology will be used at each stage of the processing and a blockchain based software platform will provide end to end traceability and transaction certificate.

It is pertinent to mention here that India exported cotton of worth US $ 6.94 billion in 2022.