Lido and Solana Saga: The $24M Standstill | by Daily Ledger | Apr, 2024


Some Context, because why not?

You might have heard about Solana and Lido, but let me give you a hint: It’s not some fancy Italian ice cream. It’s about DeFi. And it’s about $24 million in Lido-staked Solana sitting in a dusty corner, forgotten and neglected, like that gym membership you signed up for in a fit of New Year’s resolution optimism.

What’s the fuss all about?

So, here’s the juicy part. These funds are kind of stuck like Winnie the Pooh in Rabbit’s house. They’re held on a supposedly ‘broken’ contract, and all this despite the staking program being closed about five months back. You’d think the DeFi folks would’ve sorted that out by now, but nah! They’re just lingering like that awkward guest who doesn’t take the hint when the party’s over.

Betting on Broken Contracts — A Thrilling Pastime

You might be thinking who in their right minds would put money in a broken contract, right? But hold your horses! This is crypto we’re talking about. Cryptoland is full of daring DeFi gamblers who’d stake their grandma’s dentures if they could. It’s all about the thrill, the optimism, and a dash of overly optimistic financial adventurism.


In crypto, things can go south very quickly — one moment you’re sailing in the safe haven of bull market, and in the next, you’re staring down the barrel of a bearish blowout. The Lido-Solana situation is a stark reminder of this volatility.

Is there a silver lining?

At the end of the day, this financial quagmire points to a critical need for enhanced oversight and stronger safeguards to protect those brave (or crazy) enough to venture into the wild world of DeFi. Maybe then, we won’t have to keep waking up to news of stranded funds and broken contracts. Who knows?

Wrapping it up

So, in case you find yourself with a stash of Lido-staked Solana, don’t panic. The situation is as dynamic as a soap opera, and it might have a twist in the tale. Until then, sit tight and keep your eyes glued to the crypto news ticker for the latest developments.

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