AI8: Guaranteed 133-Fold Increase In Deposits To A New Blockchain Calculated By Artificial Intelligence

The world’s largest crypto businessmen claim that investing is also a kind of sport: you need to study and train a lot, study the “playing field”, have endurance and willpower to stop in time. And also to calculate a lot and still hope for luck.

Until recently this was indeed the case. Ordinary people without traditional experience and mindset either could not, or were afraid to enter the world of cryptocurrency investments, or lost money by investing in the wrong coin, or closed the move at the wrong time.

But today everything has changed! The world of cryptocurrencies will never be the same again, and many major players have already realized this.

The reason is the emergence of a fundamentally new blockchain, which combines all the best characteristics of existing networks, from Bitcoin to TON, while eliminating their shortcomings.

What is AI8?

This is not just another project in the world of cryptocurrencies. This is the first artificial intelligence in human history to study and systematize almost a petabyte of data related to blockchain networks and their architecture. Based on careful analysis, AI8 is building a network that will have virtually no disadvantages of modern solutions, and will also solve the blockchain trilemma.

The AI8 philosophy is a philosophy of complete freedom and independence. Since the advent of Bitcoin, no one has created a blockchain that will be completely in the hands of millions of people and serve people 100%. Price regulation, exchange market influence, actions of large investors – who among you has not lost money on this?

This won’t be the case with AI8. This time, man and his influence are completely excluded.

How many AI8 tokens have been issued?

AI determines the number to be 1.618 billion, which corresponds to the “golden ratio”. This proportion is very common in nature and is the rule of the relationship between parts and the whole, a universal manifestation of beauty and symmetry.

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How is the price of the AI8 token determined?

The price is achieved using simple AI algorithms that cannot be changed by external influences such as speculation, stock exchange manipulation, or actions of third parties aimed at interfering with internal processes.

At the start of sales, the cost of the token was $0.01, today it is already $0.16 per token, which was predicted with absolute accuracy by artificial intelligence AI8. The token price on December 16, 2024, the day of listing, has already been calculated by AI and will be $21.34112.

How much will investors earn?

Don’t miss the chance to enter your financial future with AI8. This house changes not only the world of cryptocurrencies, but also your own world! Connect to AI today8 and become a financially independent person and be part of the revolution in the world of cryptocurrencies.

Decide how to become an AI8 project partner and achieve success using artificial intelligence!

All details are on the project website: LINK

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