Multi-chain gaming, microtransactions, the expandable Metaverse, and more on CoinGeek Discussions

On the latest episode of CoinGeek Discussions, Alex Vidal and Zachary Weiner talked to BSV blockchain entrepreneurs and thought leaders about multi-chain gaming, microtransactions, and their personal Bitcoin stories.

Guests included Connor Murray of Britevue, Brett Banfe from the BSV Blockchain Association, and Patrick Collins, an independent entrepreneur and coder. Check the conversation out via the link below.

BSV pumping—what’s happening?

Vidal kicks things off by noting that BSV has been pumping. On the day of the recording, it was the number-one performing digital currency. The tide may be turning, he says, and indeed, quite a few exchanges have announced BSV futures trading.

Weiner says, “pump or no pump, we have fun.” He points out that the ride is a lot less bumpy if you have a longer time frame in mind.

Connor Murray talks about Britevue and Teranode

Murray begins by telling his Bitcoin story; he got interested in it around the time of the Silk Road saga. He discussed it with friends, but ultimately, he didn’t properly get interested in it until 2017. He fell in love with big block Bitcoin after watching Dr. Craig Wright at Arnhem.

After initially backing BCH, he transitioned across to BSV after that chain split. He states his belief that big blockers are the silent majority, something Ryan X. Charles told him back in the day.

Murray started Britevue, an incentive-based online review platform, after participating in a BSV Association hackathon. He had a problem finding good, reliable reviews, so he decided to do something about it by designing a platform with good incentives utilizing micropayments.

Aside from working on Britevue, Murray has worked closely with the association on creating content for the BSV Academy. He says the BA had somewhat of an identity crisis but now sees themselves as stewards of the Bitcoin protocol. After creating a plan to keep the protocol set in stone, they’re working on getting everything back to the original or as close as possible to it. However, he acknowledges we may be stuck with some opcodes from BCH.

Weiner asks whether some of nChain‘s IP will shift to the BSV Blockchain Association. Murray answers that he doesn’t know specific details but aims to make everything as open-source as possible. Regarding the Teranode timeline, we’ll see some significant moves next year. The software is still in development and is making great progress. Murray has seen one million transactions per second sustained, but he isn’t deeply involved in Teranode himself.

Brett Banfe on his Bitcoin journey and the original dream for the internet

Banfe speaks next, telling us he originally saw the Bitcoin white paper back in 2009. He downloaded a client, but he didn’t generate coins at the time because he didn’t trust himself to remember the private key. At the time, he didn’t understand Bitcoin was a monetary peer network or how important it would be.

Banfe first noticed BSV in 2018 after seeing its price was divergent from the rest of the market. He bought some BSV, found out about Dr. Wright, watched some YouTube videos, and went tumbling down the rabbit hole.

Banfe ended up involved with Fabriik for a while. He asked people like Ryan X. Charles and Jack Liu for responsibilities so he could learn more. Around this time, he understood there was a tsunami of transformation coming. After joining the BSV Blockchain Association, where he was mentored by George Siosi Samuels, he took over Samuels’ role as Head of Community.

Right now, Banfe is involved in the BSV Blockchain Association, HandCash, and Champions TCG. He believes Bitcoin will deliver opportunities to all globally, and it will be integral to the next stage of human development. He points out that peer-to-peer transactions and communication were the original dream of the internet. This vision was ahead of its time, but the technology wasn’t there to allow it to come to fruition. That changes with Bitcoin.

Patrick Collins on uploading music to Bitcoin

Collins is a music composer and developer who has worked with some big names, including Disney (NASDAQ: DIS), Dreamworks, and many others.

As a music composer and fan, Collins says he was listening to BTC spaces in which people complained they couldn’t upload songs to the blockchain. He says the solution seemed obvious to him, so he set about proving how to do it. While some argued for the file’s compression, he didn’t think this was the way. Instead, he split the audio file into 10/11 hashes, linked them, and created a master inscription to fetch them.

Like the others, Collins tells his Bitcoin story. He learned about Bitcoin in 2010 when a startup founder he worked for told him about it. It was $1 at the time, and he watched it hit $1,000 in 2013. When it crashed back to $200, he bought more.

Collins says that, as a software developer, he has been working on a game about the history of Bitcoin. It was almost ready until the Hash War happened, and then he realized he had to wait. After Ordinals, he realized it can be done on all three chains, but he still has to figure some things out before it’s ready for release.

To learn more about what the speakers are excited about regarding the future of Blockchain, the Dark2Light Kickstarter, and the upcoming X space on AI and Triple Entry Accounting hosted by the Satoshi account, tune into the conversation here.

Watch: Micropayments are what are going to allow people to trust AI

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