Structure.Finance Releases DNT, a Groundbreaking New DeFi Product – CryptoMode

The advent of digital currency has unleashed a plethora of innovative financial products and services for consumers in the crypto space. Now, Structure.Finance has released a new structured financial product that appeals to both novice and experienced traders. Double-No-Touch (DNT) is an innovative DeFi product that empowers users to leverage periods of low Bitcoin volatility to double their money in just 5 minutes.

Learn more about the advantages of DNT for novice and seasoned traders.

Double-No-Touch Basics

Double-No-Touch (DNT) is Structure’s latest decentralized finance (DeFi) product, designed to make trading easy for both newbies and trading pros, giving users the potential to double their money in just 5 minutes. The DNT product is supported by the Binance Smart Chain. At the time of launch, rewards are made in BUSD. However, given recent upheavals in the crypto market, Structure.Finance intends to switch to USDT.

DNT differs from traditional crypto trading products in that it allows users to participate in market trading without in-depth knowledge of market exchanges. After just a few simple steps to set up your account, you can quickly generate income. Structure makes it easy to get started, with clear and straightforward step-by-step tutorials.

In a nutshell, here’s how DNT works:

  1. Scan a QR code on the Structure platform to connect to your crypto wallet, or log in to your existing Metamask account
  2. Make sure your wallet has a reserve of BNB — Binance crypto tokens — to cover gas fees
  3. Review the tutorials on the platform prior to trading
  4. Consult our convenient DeFi chart to view a real-time display of BTC’s current price range 
  5. When you feel confident that the price of BTC will stay within the range defined by the DeFi system for the next 5 minutes, get ready to trade
  6. Purchase DNT tokens starting at as little as 1 BUSD
  7. Once you initiate your transaction, the clock starts ticking
  8. If BTC stays within the defined price range for 5 minutes, get a 2X payout 

Take advantage of Structure’s DNT product anytime BTC volatility is low, to quickly grow your crypto wallet balance.

Benefits and Advantages of DNT 

DNT is more than just a crypto trading product — it offers a unique combination of entertainment and financial analysis without the complexities of traditional trading exchanges. 

Conservative users can get started with small wagers to get their feet wet in the crypto trading space, while confident traders can go all out with more aggressive wagers to earn large returns on DNT tokens. 

DNT offers multiple benefits to users:

  • Take the guesswork out of trading with DNT’s user-friendly interface.
  • Users new to crypto trading can manage risks while building new skills.
  • Seasoned traders can leverage DNT to boost their crypto earnings.
  • When BTC stays within range for 5 minutes, users get an immediate 2X payout.
  • DNT currently rewards users in BUSD, with a USDT version in the works.
  • DNT lets you earn big in a stagnant market.

Structure.Finance Products Open New Doors to Crypto Traders

Structure.Finance offers innovative DeFi products for traders in the crypto space, with trading options ranging from simple to complex. Structure’s user-friendly platform offers easy-to-follow tutorials with clear illustrations that take the guesswork out of trading.  

Unlike many traditional trading platforms, Structure.Finance products do not have trading thresholds — purchase as much or as little as you like, depending on your preferences and level of expertise. Because Structure products are decentralized, your trades are private, transparent and secure, with no central authority to interfere. 

Structure provides traders with a potentially lucrative platform that is both entertaining and educational. Its DeFi products allow users to leverage market volatility to their advantage, providing a new dimension in crypto trading. Users can select Structure’s user-friendly products based on their risk tolerance and expectations for return.

Structure.Finance offers innovative standalone solutions that can be integrated with other DeFi protocols, empowering everyday users with the opportunity to earn, learn, and participate in structured financial crypto trading.

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